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The benefits of installing EV chargers as a property owner

Appeal to More Potential Tenants


Homeowners are not the only ones looking into EV ownership, renters are looking for properties that are embracing the green revolution and will give them the option to charge their electric car with convenience and ease. Getting ahead of the curve by offering EV charging will help your accommodation stand out from the crowd.


Add Another Revenue Stream

After looking into potential grants, most landlords will be looking for ways to recoup the initial cost of the chargers. You can charge for their use, but you could consider offering a reduced rate for residents to provide a further incentive. Especially if you live somewhere with very few electric car chargers, opening yours up to the public could be a great money maker.


Raise Your Property Value

An investment in EV chargers is not just a smart move to meet immediate demand. They will also be financially advantageous in the future if you choose to sell your property. This will further off-set your upfront costs.


Do Your Part To Create a More Sustainable Future

Installing chargers allows property owners to contribute to a more sustainable future and decrease their carbon footprint. Adding charging stations makes it easier for more people to switch to EVs and may even help you manage energy usage on your property more efficiently.

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Cut Your Electricity Costs by 75%

A battery storage system can slash your electricity bill by up to 75%. Storing extra energy during off-peak periods and using it during high-demand times helps minimize reliance on the grid, especially when electricity rates are typically higher. This straightforward solution not only saves you money but also contributes to a more sustainable and efficient energy consumption pattern.

Puredrive DC Battery